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Customized courses and workshops

We collaborate with universities and non-academic organizations to offer customized courses and workshops in Discourse Analysis and related subject matters. 


We offer personalized, one-to-one mentorship to students and researchers. Our mentorship service includes the review of written work and monthly one-to-one mentoring sessions with a member of our team/collaborators regarding a research project (dissertation, post-doc, non-academic research, etc.). Visit our Members page for more information about this service.

Consulting, coordination, and development of research projects

We collaborate with universities and non-academic organizations to design and coordinate research projects and the creation of materials for the sharing of research results. 

Information regarding resources and events

We offer free access to information on academic programs and publications related to Discourse Studies as well as information regarding upcoming events organized by associations and universities around the world. This information can be found on the following sub-pages of our website: Resources and Events Calendar. If you are organizing an event and would like to add it to our events calendar, please contact us at

Guidance with academic writing

We work one-to-one with students and researchers with guidance in the writing process of academic and non-academic works. This service includes orientation in relation to the organization and presentation of research and the proof reading of written work.

Library services

We provide access to thousands of books and academic articles for research and study in the interdisciplinary field of Discourse Studies (including materials in linguistics and the social sciences). We also provide orientation to students and researchers regarding specific books or articles of interest. This service is available to all Local Members of the Centre of Discourse Studies. Visit our ilibrary services page for more information.  


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