The Research Group on Discourse and Social Protest (GIDYP), as part of the Centre of Discourse Studies, works on three lines of study:
The media representation of social protest.
The discourse of social protest.
The relationship between discourse and social movements.
GIDYP emerged in the summer of 2021. Since then, it has been organizing an International Meeting on discourse, protest and social movements. Among other activities, the group meets monthly to share and discuss theoretical and methodological aspects of the research conducted by its members, based on the three lines of study mentioned above.
GIDYP coordinador

César Rojo
Researcher at the Centre of Discourse Studies. His work focuses on Critical Discourse Analysis. Among other topics of study, he has investigated the representation of social movements and social protest in discourse, especially in the news. In his work he combines textual analysis, news theory, and the study of social movements.
GIDYP members

Camila Cárdenas-Neira
Assistant Professor at the Institute of Social Communication at Universidad Austral de Chile and a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Centre of Multilingualism, Discourse and Communication (MIRCo) at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. She holds an MA in Communication and a PhD in Translation and Language Sciences from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain. Her research interests include Critical Discourse Studies, Systemic Functional Linguistics, and Social Semiotics, and she has specialized on multimodal protest discourses in urban and digital spaces. Her most recent publications focus on the analysis of counter-hegemonic discourses constructed by student and feminist movements in Chile and Latin America.

Eduardo Paz Díaz
Doctor in Social and Political Studies from the Universidad Iberoamericana. He currently works as a professor at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Azcapotzalco (UAM-AZC). Within the group, he focuses on researching the multimodal representation of popular right-wing protest in Latin America. His research topics also include socio-digital spaces and historical sociology.

Erika Leticia Partida
Editor and translator by profession. Graduate in Spanish Literature from the Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua; Master in Discourse Studies and PhD candidate in Translation and Language Sciences from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She uses Critical Discourse Studies to analyze the representation of social protest and feminism in the Mexican press.

Gabriela Luján Giammarini
Professor of Language and Literature, Universidad Nacional de Villa María, and Master in Linguistics, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Teacher and researcher at the National University of Villa María. In the group, she is interested in the study of resistance discourse and its approaches from the media. She also addresses other research topics related to linguistic variation and literate practices.

Jose B. Berna Alvarado
Political scientist and photojournalist. He is currently a PhD student in Media, Communication and Culture at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is interested in the discourse of the extreme right in social networks. In the group, he focuses his research on the analysis of the protest mobilized from far-right ideological positions in the Spanish State.

Juan Alfredo del Valle Rojas
Assistant Professor of English in the Department of Languages at Universidad Católica de Temuco (Chile). He holds a PhD in Humanities (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Netherlands) and a Master in Science Communication (Universidad de La Frontera, Chile). His research lines are Digital Media and Communication Studies, Literature, Education, (Inter)Cultural Studies, and (Critical) Discourse Analysis. He is director of the Profondecyt Internal Research Project titled: Discursive Media Construction of the 2019 Chilean Social Outburst in the Online Newspapers and A Corpus-Based Critical Discourse Analysis, financed by the Universidad Católica de Temuco.

Marco Ammar
Marco Ammar is a researcher at the University of Genoa, where he teaches Arabic Language and Literature. He received his Phd in International Relations at the University of Cagliari. His research interests focus on Resistance literature, counter-narratives and critical discourse analysis.

Maria Gabriela Iturriza
Master's degree in Latin American literature from the Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela) with doctoral studies at the Université de Montréal. She continues her research and teaching at the University of Calgary in language and literature and discursive analysis of the press in its critical perspective, focusing on processes of resistance and counter-discourses. Among others, translation of 19th century Spanish, English and French-speaking independence processes, Anglo political-media discourse and social protest.

Pamela Murgia
Doctor in Translation and Language Sciences (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and Storia, Beni Culturali e Studi Internazionali (Università di Cagliari), she is Assistant Professor of Arabic Language at the University of Urbino and the University of Macerata (Italy). Her research focus is on identity and resistance narratives in Arab countries, from a perspective of critical discourse analysis of press and political discourse.

Paola Mancosu
Doctor in Hispanic Philology from the University of Barcelona, she is a researcher in Spanish Language and Translation at the Università degli Studi di Milano. Her research interests focus on discourse analysis, with particular attention to (anti)racist and resistance discourse and its (self)representation in the media. She is also interested in postcolonial literary translation theory and self-translation.

Sara Camacho Estrada
Doctor in Jurisprudence, UTA - Ecuador and in Philosophy and Language Sciences, UAM - Spain. Research focus: Analysis of political, forensic and social protest discourse with special emphasis on the use of metaphors. She is currently developing a research on the use of metaphors in the social protest of Ecuadorian indigenous groups.